Author Topic: To RAID or not to RAID...?..  (Read 365 times)

Offline -lynx-

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To RAID or not to RAID...?..
« on: February 06, 2001, 11:19:00 AM »
OK, for the hardware illiterate amongst us can anyone explain all this RAID stuff?

I've just realised that I can get 1G TB + Abit KT7a for ~200 quid ($300 or so). But KT7s come in with and without RAID flavour.

I'm planning on having one 46GB IBM HD - will RAID really make any difference to justify extra £25-30 in price?

Another question is how do you guys o/clock AMD chips - aren't they already running at 200MHz?

[This message has been edited by -lynx- (edited 02-06-2001).]


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To RAID or not to RAID...?..
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2001, 11:54:00 AM »
unless you have 2 harddisks, it's wasted money. RAID comes in three flavors (I may have mixed up numbers):

   x type 1: one disk mirrors the other. I use that today, expensive but best possible backup. Since each disk on one channel, performance = one disk.
   x type 2: disk load-balance, one sector goes to one, 2nd sector to the other (kind of). If disks use 2 channels, speed of roughly 2x what you get with single disk (kidn of, in reality it will be 1.2 or 1.3)
   x type 3: 3 or more disks, you get 1 and 2 so if a disk dies, you can restore (you just plug a new disk in and it gets populated so whole thing is transparent, at least that's how the REAL RAIDs work [KT7 is poor man's stuff so I don't expect too much, this kind of software is hard to do right]).

I got type 1 to work pretty easily but again, if you have 1 disk only and don't bother with either of the above, just wasted money.

Don't bother with overclocking for the start (beside RAM to 133), just switch on all the high-perf options on and you'll be amazed. Getting my 950 TBird to 1Gig got me around zippo performance improvement ;-)  Better make sure that you get a video card good nuff.


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To RAID or not to RAID...?..
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2001, 11:56:00 AM »
BTW, if you're picking up IBM deskstar, there are known but not frequent issues with the RAID controller on KT7 (go read the KT7 FAQs first). I plugged two 45Gig 100UDMA Deskstars in and it worked flawlessly finally but got a scare when unpacked the disks, couldn't get it to work first (was my fault) and read the FAQs.

Otherwise, the IBM harddisks are amazing, REALLY quiet and REALLY fast.

Offline -lynx-

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To RAID or not to RAID...?..
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2001, 12:21:00 PM »
Thanks - it is a 45GB Deskstar - I'll pass on the RAID   just carry on pillaging and burning .